I/We desire membership at Trinity Baptist Church by returning or submitting this form. A welcoming call may come from the pastor or a person of the welcoming committee will acknowledge your desire of membership. Rev. Robinson can be contacted by phone at 843) 662-7015 If you wish for us to solicit a letter of transfer from another church, or if you wish to make a public confession of faith in baptism please let our pastor or office staff know and arrangements will be made.
124 W Darlington St
Florence, South Carolina 29501
Office Phone: (843) 662-7015
Pastors Study: (843) 662-2971
Office Email: tbcflorenceoffice@gmail.com
Pastor Email: tbcpastorcerjer@gmail.com
Credit Union Email: trinitybaptis558@sc.twcbc.com
Credit Union Phone: (843) 731-9014
Office Hours: M-F 10am - 5:30pm