Encouragement Letter - July 16
From the Pastor’s Study
Beloved: Our current world situation truly is a concern for all of mankind. Locally, statewide, and nationally we are wondering if some of our governmental leaders have our best interests at heart. The call to open public schools may cause some to lie awake at night with worry and fear, but I want us all to consider just who we are and whose we are. Paul wrote to the Church at Philippi with these words: “Be anxious for nothing…” Let us be mindful that there is no problem that is too hard for God, and there is no situation wherein God does not have control. We shall pray for the protection and spiritual covering of every school and all of the students, teachers, support staff, administrators, and all who are involved in the educational process. We give this situation to God and ask for His grace and mercy.
Father in Heaven, we beseech you in the name of Jesus. We are faced with the greatest storm of our lifetime and we, your children, stretch our hands out to you for you are our help. We ask you Dear Lord, to hide us under your wings of protection, and keep us from all harm, from dangers seen and unseen, from nefarious leaders, from the forces of darkness, and from pathogens that are physical, mental, and spiritual. Father we ask this in the name of your unique Son, Jesus the Christ.
Pastor Robinson
Encouragement Letter - July 30
From Pastor Robinson’s Study:
Today we say farewell to Congressman John Robert Lewis. As I sat and watched his Celebration of Life, and listened to the moving eulogy provided by President Barack Obama, I was humbled and thankful for those who sacrificed their livelihood, their health, and even their lives, to help ensure equal rights for us that are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. We thank God for those fearless brothers and sisters who were willing to get into “Good Trouble” in order that you and I can reap the benefits that we now enjoy. However, Beloved, the fight is not over, let us remain watchful, prayerful, and actionalble, for there is still much work to be done.
Father God, we are thankful for the sacrifice and service of Congressman John Lewis and we pray that you strengthen his family, that you mend and comfort their broken hearts, and that you grant them the peace that surpasses all human understanding. Father, we would be remised if we did not pause to give you thanks for the one who set the example for getting into “Good Trouble”, and His name is Jesus. We thank God for the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross on Calvary. We thank you for His atoning blood which made possible that those who believe in Him and accept Him as Lord and Savior will spend eternity in Heaven with you. It is in His name that we pray. Amen.
Pastor Robinson
Encouragement Letter - August 27
From Pastor Robinson’s Study:
In Paul’s first letter to Timothy he wrote: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, (I Timothy 2:1). Oswald Chambers is quoted as saying: “Intercession is putting yourself in God’s place; it is having His mind and His perspective.”
Knowing that the word of God teaches us to pray for other people we must come together in prayer for this world. We have a virus that has placed a dark cloud over humanity; here in the United States of America, we have violence in the streets, race issues that have been on the rise for the past twelve years, wild fires raging in the West, a hurricane has wreaked havoc in Louisiana, and we have political turmoil like we have not witnessed for many years. No matter what we are going through in our personal lives, we need to pray for others. We must cry out to God to bless those who have been displaced by immigration authorities, natural disasters, and those who have had their own personal concerns exacerbated by these occurrences.
Blessed Father, we bow before you in all humility and acknowledge you as the Master of all that is in existence. We pray Dear Lord, that you forgive us for our transgressions against you and ask that you grant us a new start. Please Father, bless with shelter, those who have been made homeless by natural disasters, we beseech you to speak to the virus causing this pandemic and make it cease, we pray for peace to permeate our communities, and for love to abound in this world. We ask this all in the matchless name of Jesus who is our Messiah. Amen.
Pastor Robinson
124 W Darlington St
Florence, South Carolina 29501
Office Phone: (843) 662-7015
Pastors Study: (843) 662-2971
Office Email: tbcflorenceoffice@gmail.com
Pastor Email: tbcpastorcerjer@gmail.com
Credit Union Email: trinitybaptis558@sc.twcbc.com
Credit Union Phone: (843) 731-9014
Office Hours: M-F 10am - 5:30pm